Columns and stories by Mary Ouimette-Kinney
for EVE magazines of Buffalo and of Rochester

An invitation by the editor of EVE magazine to write health columns for the publication followed the submission of an article about Lawrence Kinney’s sculpture, “Mary G. Ross, Engineer, Scientist, Native American” for the 2001 Women’s Pavilion Pan-American Exhibition.

A two and a half year relationship with EVE magazine began with carefully researched and written articles about a variety of women’s health issues including osteoporosis, bleeding disorders, menopause, and sleep for the “Women’s Health” column. Interviews with physicians and researchers led to additional articles for, “The Doctor Is In”. Three short stories were eventually published in, “In Heart and Soul” and “In Memoriam” columns. A feature story about educational opportunities for working women went to print just prior to the magazine’s demise in 2002.
